The BrushPod® - Premium catnip brush!

The BrushPod® - Premium catnip brush!

  • The BrushPod® - Premium catnip brush!
  • The BrushPod® - Premium catnip brush!
  • The BrushPod® - Premium catnip brush!
  • The BrushPod® - Premium catnip brush!
  • The BrushPod® - Premium catnip brush!
  • The BrushPod® - Premium catnip brush!
  • The BrushPod® - Premium catnip brush!
  • The BrushPod® - Premium catnip brush!
  • The BrushPod® - Premium catnip brush!
  • The BrushPod® - Premium catnip brush!

The BrushPod® is the world's first catnip brush

In stock
¥3 625
  • The BrushPod® is the world's first catnip brush (3 in 1)
  • Puurrfect for cats who love or hate being brushed alike
  • Including luxury K&L claw clippers
  • Safe and beautiful K&L lasertoy for cats
  • Giving your furry companion a little bit of euphoria everyday (including catnip and matatabi)
  • 1 year full guarantee
  • 14 days return policy

Download instruction manual

Return & refund policy

If you're not happy with your BrushPod® it can be returned within 14 days of receipt as long as it is unused and returned in all original packaging.

The BrushPod® also comes with a lifetime warranty (does not apply to the battery)  . Please see our terms & conditions or the instruction manual provided with the Brushpod® for more information.

Shipping info

All our products are shipped from Helsinki, Finland. Estimated shipping time is calculated at check-out. Local shipping in Finland typically takes one to three working days. Shipping to our EU customers can take between three and five working days and maybe subject to customs clearance. Shipping outside EU countries is typically two to five working days.

The BrushPod® - Premium catnip brush!

¥3 625

The BrushPod® - the puurrfect product designed to bring you and your feline overlords closer. To spend quality time together. Every unit includes a full canister of our puurfect blend of catnip and matatabi. Maximising the chances of your cats having a super time when being brushed.

The included 1 Milliwatt laser pen is low power and pet safe. Great for playtime and to get rid of some of that excess energy!

The clippers are there to help keep those claws in check. Especially for house cats or cats later in their lives where claws can overgrow and need maintenance.

Give your cats a little bit of luxury with the BrushPod®. Exclusive to Kuba & Leia.

World's first catnip brush

The BrushPod® is the world's first catnip brush. Beautifully designed, it's puurrfect for cats who love or hate being brushed alike. Giving your furry companion a little bit of euphoria everyday the Brushpod® is your go-to product for daily grooming, play and for keeping those sharp claws in check. Designed and manufactured in the UK using only the highest grade materials.

Claw Clippers

Stainless steel custom claw clippers included. Great for keeping your cats claws trimmed. Claws should be clipped every 10 days to 2 weeks.

Cat Euphoria!

The proximity of catnip to the bristles in the brush head, will give most cats a wonderful euphoric experience!

3 in 1 Laser Toy

The included laser toy has three modes. A laser dot for crazy play. A torch for finding things in the dark and a UV light to uncover any urine spots in the house.

No Mess

The BrushPod™ has a unique mesh system that prevents catnip getting onto your cat.

Soft and Safe

The brush head is made up of a soft elastomer. Making it soft, strong and safe for cats.

Keep Fresh

Our custom cylinder is a great place to store fresh catnip. We have a special blend that most cats will love. Catnip needs to be changed every two to three weeks to keep its potency.

Catnip & Matabi refills

Every BrushPod® comes with a beautiful canister full to the brim with our special blend of catnip and matatabi. While this canister should give your feline overlord many months of cat euphoria, when you're ready to top up, we offer the following variations.

Fabulous Catnip

Fabulous Catnip

1 125 €
Temporarily out of stock
Marvellous Matatabi

Marvellous Matatabi

1 125 €
Temporarily out of stock
The Puurrfect Blend

The Puurrfect Blend

875 €
In stock


Explore the fascinating backstory of this beloved feline breed. From eventual spread around the world. (29 pages)
Our great GIVEAWAY campaign is ended. You may check here if you are the lucky winner!
Given that the BrusPod is built around the `high`that cats get from catnip or matatabi, it`ll come as no surprise that here at Kuba & Leia we`re advocates of the play, fun, stimulation and exprience these plants given to cats.
It´s our view that any laser toy should always be no more than 1 milliwatt in power. We've spoken to a number of manufacturers, local councils, and also undertaken a lot of research on this subject and a great article written by the UK government can be found here. It´s well worth of read if you are interested in this subject.
Before including claw clippers with the BrushPod we thought hard about weather clipping claws is good for cats. Of course as owner we know that keepping claws trimmed is a great way of saving the sofa, woodwork, door and carpets, but is it good for cats too?
We take sustainability seriously and want to make sure the LitterPod™ is a long-term product that will stand the test of time. Here we share information on our 'Upgrade Programme' and what this means to you as a wonderful LitterPod™ customer .
Tämä on ehkä yksi arimpia aiheita erilaisilla kissapalstoilla ja tiedän useampien omistajien välttävän osallistumista näihin keskusteluihin kokonaan. Itse suhteellisen uutena kissan omistajana päätin lähteä selvittämään sitä, minkä tyyppinen kokonaisruokavalio soveltuisi perheemme kolmelle Siperian kissalle parhaiten. Sosiaalinen media on täynnä neuvoja ja mielipiteitä, joten päätin aloittaa tutustumisen aiheeseen sieltä.
​Onko se oikeasti ilmatiivis? Pitääkö hajut täysin loitolla? Mahtuuko isompikin kissa? Kuinka iso se on? Näihin ja moniin muihin kysymyksiin olen törmäillyt viimeisen parin viikon aikana keskustellessani satojen ihanien kissanomistajien kanssa. Konsepti on niin uusi, että siitä riittäisi kirjoitettavaksi, vaikka pieni kirja. Pyrin vastaamaan tässä kirjoituksessani yleisimpiin kysymyksiinne havainnollistamalla hiekkalaatikkomme toimintaperiaatetta.
Mikä sitten on toksoplasma? Kyseessä on itiöeläin, parasiitti Toxoplasma gondii, jota aihetuttaa plasmainfektion ja jota esiintyy maailmanlaajuisesti. Tartuntaa ei kuulemma itse aina huomaa, mutta esimerkiksi raskauden aikainen toksoplasmainfektio voi vaurioittaa sikiön/vastasyntyneen aivoja, kuuloa ja näköä.
Pääsin ensimmäistä kertaa kertomaan tuotteessamme suoraan yleisölle viikonloppuna pidetyssä Lemmikki 18 tapahtumassa Tampereella. Nöyrin mielin rakentelin pikkuruista osastoani ja ajattelin, että mitähän tästä oikein tulee. En ole juurikaan aikaisemmin ollut näytteilleasettajana isoissa tapahtumissa ja jännitys oli hirvittävä. Kultaisen aviomieheni rohkaisemana otin kuitenkin tämän ensiaskeleen ja se kannatti. Tavattuani satoja ihania kissanomistajia, kasvattajia sekä muita alan harrastajia tajusin lopullisesti kuinka iso joukko ihmisiä painii päivittäin kanssani saman ongelman kanssa. Kaikkia kissanomistajia yhdistää intohimo omiin rakkaisiin lemmikkeihinsä ja ihmiset ajattelevat asioista yllättävän samankaltaisesti.
Kissat ovat tunnetusti puhtautta arvostavia eläimiä, jolloin hiekkalaatikon siisteydellä on kaikkein suurin merkitys kissasi viihtyvyyteen. Päivittäinen ja säännöllinen hiekkalaatikon huolto on paras tapa enneltaehkäistä lemmikkisi käyttäytymisongelmia. Kuba&Leia The LitterPod on helpoin ja siistein tapa varmistaa kissallesi aina siisti ja hygieninen hiekkalaatikko. Ei enää päivittäistä lapioimista ja voit keskittyä ihanaan yhdessäoloon lemmikkisi kanssa.
Kissojen vessoihin on saatavilla satoja erilaisia hiekkoja, pellettejä ja raaka-aineita. Niiden kaikkien tarkoitus on hieman eri – joko auttaa kissaa peittämään jätöksensä pitämällä käymälä raikkaana tai helpottamaan sen tyhjentämistä. Kaikille vaihtoehdoille löytyy oma perustelunsa, mutta kissanhiekan suosio näyttää kuitenkin vuosi vuodelta kasvavan.
Ensimmäisessä blogikirjoituksessani haluan kertoa, miten päädyin Kuba&Leia The LitterPodin sivuille. ​Perheessämme on kolme ihanaa Siperian kissaa, joista ensimmäinen hankittiin noin kolme vuotta sitten.
Kissat ovat ihastuttavia otuksia ja kaikki rakastavat niitä. Koti ei olisi koti ilman kissaa – näin ainakin minä tunnen. Kuten kaikki kissojen omistajat tietävät, eläinten hoito on vastuullista ja ajoittain aikaa vievää puuhaa. Itse mielelläni vain rapsuttelisin kissojani ja leikkisin niiden kanssa päivät pitkät, mutta arki asettaa tälle haaveelle omat rajoituksensa.


“We used to rattle the chicken treats to get them come running. But now we just shake the BrushPod™. They're like different cats and can't wait to be brushed...”

Angus and the rag dolls. Edinburgh, Scotland

“It's a beautiful product. But most importantly the cats go mad for it. The catnip option is genius - as up until now our cats haven't been fans of being groomed!”

VIV BARClay and the british shorthairs - Oxfordshire, UK

"We still find claw clipping pretty stressful, but our gang can't get enough of the BrushPod™, even 'the boy' who used to hate grooming, runs to get his fix!"

Jari and the gang. Helsinki, Finland
"My cats love this. They go mad for the catnip in the brush head. Quick delivery too. Packaging is gorgeous!"
Lucy R
"Quick delivery to us in Los Angeles from the UK. Slick design and most importantly our crazy cat loves it!"
Ryan C
"What a lovely surprise. I received this as a present. Beautiful design and great quality. My cat Chas loved it! Looking forward to your next product!"
Sally M
"It's such a gorgeous design and Conker loved it. Adding catnip to a brush is a such a clever idea and it's such an unusual and luxury product. A great gift for any cat lover."
Eleanor S
"Admittedly was a little wary of the price, but went for it. Very glad I did. It's really high quality and comes in packaging Apple would be proud of. Bought as a gift so can't comment on whether the cats like it yet, but my sister-in-law seems to be a fan!"
John C

Product images

Available to buy now

The beautiful BrushPod™ is available to buy now. We ship to many countries across the world. Shipping fee is always calculated at checkout. Please note all BrushPod™ are made, assembled and packaged in the UK so shipping times will vary depending on your location.

We can be found in Facebook and Instagram but if you would like to be kept updated on developments and be notified when the LitterPod® is also available to purchase, be sure to sign up below.

Kuba & Leia x

BrushPod® - FAQ

Is catnip and matabi safe for cats?

Most research says yes and PETA also endorses the use of catnip. There are many variants and it's very likely your cat will respond to differenty types with a bit of trial and error.

In fact, we've written a blog that looks at the research based on peer revied studies (not heresay) on this, which you can read here.

What if my cat doesn't respond to catnip?

It's very unlikely that your cat won't respond to catnip or matabi. Please note young kittens under 6 weeks are non responsive. We've writtne a blog on things you can do or try here, which also looks at peer reviewed research into the effects of catnip and matabi. You can read it here.

What is catnip?

Catnip is the common name for a species of plant that contain a unique natural chemical that make’s cat react hormonally. A cat on a catnip high is quite fun to watch!

Catnip (Nepeta cataria), is a member of the Mint family of aromatic herbs. Catnip is a common aromatic herb of the high deserts of North America. Catnip was naturalized in Canada from its indigenous roots of Northern Africa and the Mediterranean. Catnip has been used for centuries by herbalists as a treatment for colic, headache, toothache, and spasms. It is a mild stimulant when consumed in a tea. Catnip is an excellent sleep-inducing agent.

What is Silver Vine (Matatabi)?

Silver vine is a plant in the kiwi family. It is also called Matatabi. The most potent form is the flower that turns into a fruit, which looks like a medium sized brown dried nut. It is then ground into powder.

The dried stems of the plant are also used as “Silver Vine dental sticks“.

Cat loves Silver Vine because it also contains “Actinidine”, a natural cat stimulant, along with the same catnip attractant Nepetalactone,. That is why about 70% of cats who don’t react to catnip will react to silver vine!

Is catnip good for my cat?

Yes it is. According to veterinarian, catnip is a nice way to make old and fat cat active and loose weight, which improve their health condition. You can give your cat some catnip toys without worry. The only thing you need to know is not to feed your cat too much catnip. 1 or 2 spoonfuls at a times, 2 or 3 time a day is enough.

Can I overdose my kitty with too much catnip?

Not likely, cats seem to know when to say enough. If you give your cat to much catnip she will eventually turn her nose away from its lure. This reaction will not last long though, in a few days she will most likely be back to the catnip stash for another play time.

I have a long haired cat, will the brush work?

The BrushPod has been designed as a kit that helps us as cat owners have regularly grooming and play time with our feline friends. We've put a lot of effort into finding the ideal bristle length for short, medium and long haired cats. However the brush isn't designed for dealing with heavy fur matting and as such we recommend seeing the BurshPod as a fun addition to your normal grooming rituals.

For short and medium haried cats, we have found that regular brushing with the BrushPod is a great all-round grooming solution. Well, Kuba and Leia both seems pretty happy - and their coats are nice and shiny!

Is the laser pen safe?

The strength of a laser is measured in milliwatts. We have worked hard with our manufacturing partner to ensure the laser toy provided with the BrushPod has a power of <1 milliwatt. It is a class 2 laser.
For more guidance and detailed laser safety advice, the UK government has written this excellent article.The key quote here is:

"Class 2 lasers are limited to a maximum output power of 1 milliwatt or one-thousandth of a watt (abbreviated to mW) and the beam must have a wavelength between 400 and 700 nm. A person receiving an eye exposure from a Class 2 laser beam, either accidentally or as a result of someone else’s deliberate action (misuse) will be protected from injury by their own natural aversion response. This is a natural involuntary response which causes the individual to blink and avert their head thereby terminating the eye exposure. Repeated, deliberate exposure to the laser beam may not be safe. Some laser pointers and barcode scanners are Class 2 laser products.'

Source: Laser Safety Facts. Link here.

From this we believe it's essential to keep the power of the laser in our toy pen to 1 milliwatt.

From our research and speaking with a number of manufacturers, we know many laser pens on the market have a power of 4 or 5 milliwatts, which push them into the class 3 laser category. This does not meet our safety expecations and will never sell a laser of this type:

"Class 3R laser products are higher powered devices than Class 1 and Class 2 and may have a maximum output power of 5 mW or 5 times the AEL for a Class 1 laser product. The laser beams from these products exceed the MPE for accidental viewing and can potentially cause eye injuries, but practically the risk of injury in most cases is relatively low for short and unintentional exposure. The risk is limited because of natural aversion behaviour for exposure to bright light for the case of visible radiation and by the response to heating of the cornea for far infrared radiation.Examples of Class 3R laser products include some laser pointers and some alignment products used for home improvement work."

General awareness and regulation of lasers varies widely, but this is likely to change in the future. If you do own or are thinking of buying a laser toy or pen in the future, we advise making sure the milliwatt information is provided and where possible ensure the rating is no more than 1mw as anything above this can be damaging to eyes of people and pets.

How long does the catnip / matabi last?

Each BrushPod is provided with a premium grade blend of Catnip and Matabi. It's a 50 / 50 mix. Once opened, you can place the spare blend into the tube provided with the BrushPod. It should last for a few months, but you'll know when the potency is going as your cats will be less interested. Remember it does take time for cats to become sensitive to catnip again after a 'session', so we'd recommend keeping the brush sessions to know more than three times a week.

If you're running low, you can buy replacement catnip from our website here. We source organic and premium catnip and matabi making sure your cats only get the best! But of course you may already have a local supplier you can use.

What can I expect as a reaction to catnip from my cat?

Cats reactions differ. Some cat will become hunter and stalker with their toys. Some will just run around and about in frenzy. Some will simply lie down and start biting, licking and drooling on the toys with catnip in it.

Why is my cat acting like that when it smells or eats catnip?

Cats react to the natural chemical “Nepetalactone” in the catnip plant.

The domestic cat along with the great cats of the wild; cougars, bobcats, lions and lynx respond biochemically to a compound called nepetalactone. This chemical is the primary constituent in the essential oil of catnip. Nepetalactone induces a harmless physiological reaction in some cats.

Cats have a special gland on the roof of their mouth called the Vomeronasal gland. Essentially, they use it to recognize and analyse other cat’s pheromones, like those contained in urine. The Nepetalactone in catnip have a similar chemical composition as those pheromones. That is why cats love catnip so much!

This reaction has been studied extensively, and has been found to induce a psychosexual response in both male and female cats. One might say that catnip has an aphrodisiac effect.

What shouldn’t I do with catnip?

Very important: Never use catnip to train your cat to go to his litter. For example, there is a lot of new natural litter format available on the market, and your cat may not like it at all and avoid his litter box. NEVER put catnip in the litter to attract your cat there. The reason his that he will more than likely eat the catnip and the litter filled with feces.

Doing so for feline can cause many fatal disease like heart worm and fungus poisoning. Also, using catnip on litter will associate play area with releasing area, which will confuse the cat.

How can I differentiate the quality of the catnip? There are so many companies that offer’s it..

First, look at the color of the catnip. Like any other plant, bright green is a sign of freshness. Then you can try to smell the catnip through the bag. With potent catnip, you should be able to smell it. But most of all, know your catnip supplier. Inquire about your catnip business through internet. Ask them where their catnip has been grown, and when.

Pale yellow catnip is usually been harvested a few years ago, and has been sitting in a warehouse for a long time before hitting the shelves of the store.

Kuba and Leia are made with catnip that is always with the current crop of the year.

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Ripusuontie 38 A4
00660 Helsinki


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